Part 4: A little bit of Narika in my life, a little bit of Fuuko by my side
~Update 3.5: A little bit of Narika in my life, a little bit of Fuuko by my side~
So Wake and the gang have some time to kill while they wait on authorization for 'Operation: Baby's First Dungeon'. We're going to do some prep work before kicking that ill-advised adventure off.
There are currently four heroines that can be bonded with. The first scene is a unique introduction, and then bonding events after that are just generic filler types. The first full bonding event will happen once one of the bars on the gauge is full.
You can get this through a combination of doing the generic events, taking the heroines into dungeons, picking the right dialogue options during events, and giving gifts (although we have no access to gifts yet). Before all of that, we'll have Wake make the rounds and formally introduce himself to his future dungeon escort missions.
-School Entrance-
Chlotz will stop you for this no matter who you pick first.
Hey, do you want to come with me to the bathroom? Y'know, like friends do?
Chlotz, I have way more important things to do right now than potty train you.
What crawled up your ass? I mean, further up than usual.
I've got to make sure everyone won't get ganked the second we set foot in the dungeon, so I have some 'interviews' to do. Need to know what I'm working with.
Oh? Are you meeting a girl? Well, if you are, work to make your bonds stronger. The closer you are to a girl, the stronger the Star Children you make with her will be.
Yes Chlotz, I know how this all works... Mostly. I'm still not a hundred percent on what the hell happens during Classmating. Still, I know full well that bonds need strengthening for this to work.
And the best way to make a strong bond is persistence and devotion. Just keep talking.
That's a touch creepy, but you at least have the right idea with the 'devotion' aspect.
Don't m--
Don't even start with that!
After that...encounter, we check in with Fuuko.
-2nd-year Classroom-
As usual, be mindful that these videos sometimes have risque/spoiler screenshots in them
Music: Fuuko's Theme
Hey Fuuko, do you have a minute?
I'm probably going to be asking you to Classmate with me from time to time. So I think I should...formally introduce myself? If that makes sense.
Haha, you're so uptight. Don't worry, I'm totally okay with it.
To be honest, I'm worried that I'll end up more of a nuisance than a help. I don't know if I'm actually suited for the part...
(That makes two of us, unfortunately.)
But I suppose this is what fate has planned for me... I'll do my best to help you.
That's all I'm looking to hear right now. Thanks.
Oh, you don't have to thank me.
Well... Once again, then. I'm Fuuko, and for some reason I was chosen to be an Elite. It's nice to meet you.
Thank you for being so polite, madam.
You just love doing that don't you?
-2nd-year Classroom: A Short Time Later-
As usual, be mindful that these videos sometimes have risque/spoiler screenshots in them
Music: Narika's Theme
Hey Narika. Got a second?
Just wanted to stop by and say 'hi'. We're going to be fighting side by side, so I wanted to get to know you a little better. Maybe get you fired up a bit.
Yes... that makes sense.
Listen, I'm going to be straight with you. I know you get nervous easily and all that, but unfortunately we don't have time to ease into this. This is not going to be easy, but if you can give it your all then we'll make it through this together. I promise.
Yes, of course! As long as you're fine working with me, I'll try my best... It would be my pleasure to fight alongside you.
Good to hear. Glad to have you on board.
(Oh thank god. I thought for sure she would be a nervous wreck after what happened in class. This is good, I won't have to spend precious training time calming her down and getting her focused. Maybe I'm worrying too much. I might be giving these girls too little credit because of what happened to Fuuko in the forest. This is going better than--)
(Ooh shit... here comes the downward slope...)
Huh? Oh, n-no, it's nothing.
Chlotz, for the love of Star God, please--
So you wouldn't mind being my pal too, I take it?
Not at all! I'd be glad to.
Then on behalf of all the guys who want to know you better, I have a question.
Do you have a boyfriend?
Wh...Whaaat? Why do you want to know that?
Hey, you're a cutie! You're modest and polite, so a lot of guys are into you!
I... I'm not sure that's true...
Listen Narika, you are modest and polite, but this is one of those situations where maybe you are being too--
You too, Wake...?
Er, Narika, your face is bright red. You okay?
*Narika fucking books it*
Wait, Narika!
Aaaand there she goes.
What's up?
What the hell was that?
What? I was being friendly and encouraging.
No Chlotz, that's what I was doing. You ran up and asked a girl with clear social anxiety if she was dating. Then you started calling her a 'cutie' and polite and modest, and then you told her that every guy on campus is secretly eye-humping her wherever she goes.
And that was...not okay?
(I am going to enjoy Classmating with your sister and then telling you all about it afterward.)
Who else we got now that Narika has been properly terrified?
-Hallway: Sometime Later-
As usual, be mindful that these videos sometimes have risque/spoiler screenshots in them
Music: Ellie's Theme
Where the hell did that Ellie girl disappear to? I've been all over the Academy and there's no trace of her.
(She wasn't a figment of my imagination... right? It wouldn't be the first time.)
*Ellie tears it through the Hallway*
Aheheh... I'm sorry, Ms. Chloe.
I haven't been told much in detail, but you can't come to class late, okay? Be careful.
I'm sorry! I'll try and come on time.
*sigh* I got scolded...
There you are.
(Good, I'm not crazy... this time.)
Ah, I didn't notice you there! Good morning, were you looking for me?
You know it's noon, right?
Aheheh, that's true. I should've just said "Hello," instead. I'm sorry, I only got to school just now.
Just now? Did you get lost or something?
Oh, not really. I had some work to take care of. But you were looking for me, right? Ah... If we need to go to the Labyrinth right now, I can go at once.
Slow it down, that's not why I was trying to find you. I wanted to touch base with you before we start getting prepared to go there.
I'll do my best, so I hope we can get along!
Glad to hear it.
Aheheh, I'll be seeing you all the time from now on. I was surprised to be chosen as a Disciple, but I'm happy to be able to meet you.
Why are you happy to be able to meet me? Am I some kind of celebrity or something? I've been here for like three days.
Ah, um, it's not important. Don't worry about it. Oh... Afternoon classes are going to begin soon. Sorry, if I'm any more late than I already am, I'm really gonna get yelled at. Please excuse me.
*Ellie fucking books it*
...Maybe she is...
(Nope, don't go there Wake. You're not hallucinating or having flashbacks. She's totally real. Chloe could clearly see her too.)
Ellie apparently appears and disappears from the school like a freaking ghost and seems to be unable to sit still for like 5 minutes. Oh well, at least she carried an actual conversation this time. Let's go track down Chloe.
-Faculty Office-
As usual, be mindful that these videos sometimes have risque/spoiler screenshots in them
Music: Chloe's Theme
Hm? What is it?
Just wanted to say hi. I haven't had the chance to meet you one on one yet.
You came all this way to say "hi"? That's very sweet of you.
I know it's going to be a pain trying to juggle teaching duties with stopping the world from being overrun with monsters. I'll do what I can to help out if you need it.
And I'll support you in any way I can. Really, there's nothing we can't do if we just put our heads together. I don't want you to think of me as just your teacher: we're in this together.
Yes, ma'am. Roger that.
No, no, no. Nu-uh. That's too... military. Just take a deep breath and relax.
Don't get cute with me. I lived with Chlotz you know.
Certainly, I'll be right with you.
Sorry... I have to go now.
*Chloe leaves*
She certainly is in demand... Hold on a second, did that girl say 'concert'?
Now that Wake is finished with the formalities, it's time to get some work in. I take everyone out to the 1st Dungeon from the next update Training Facility to put them through their paces. After boot camp, Chloe/Narika/Ellie all settle at level 5, Fuuko hits level 7 (somehow), and Wake rises to level 10. Our tutorial Star Children also cap out at their current max levels, which are 10. That's okay though, because with the increased stats from the higher leveled heroines we can start opening up our SC options.
A little bit of Ellie is all I see, so let's look to her to start things off. First, a little skit. These happen for every heroine when they are first selected for Classmating.
-Ritual Hall-
Okay, so this is our first time trying this out.
I don't like being touched by people, so I don't know if this is going to work...
Fair enough. That is going to complicate things though.
Um, would it be okay if I just held onto your shirt...?
I... think? Hold on a tick.
Hey! Mattero! Does this work if she just grabs on to my shirt?!
*distant* I believe so! We haven't really tested that!
Well, no harm in trying I suppose.
Whew... I'm glad to hear that. Oh, that doesn't mean I don't want to touch you or anything.
Hey, it's up to you. Whatever you've gotta do.
Y-Yes! I'll do my best!
Yeah, we're still skipping that transition scene. Anyway, Ellie's got the stats to be able to create Swordis, Magician, Cleric, and Gunslinger. I choose Swordis for now because this is all just a dry run before I let you guys choose the team.
...Whew. Um, did I do well?
Your guess is as good as mine. There's a Star Child here, so yes?
...Whew. I'm relieved that I have the power to create Star Children, too...
Well she's got dog ears...some kind of animal ears, and a tail for some reason, so she's some kind of furry apparently. I think that's normal for this class though. Why?
N-Nothing, I'm just curious. It's good to hear that nothing's wrong. All right, I'm going to do my best with the Star Children we create! When you go into a Labyrinth, please invite me along.
Next up is Fuuko. Technically this is her second time Classmating, but she still gets a scene.
-Ritual Hall-
Yeeeahh, sorry about last time. I was rushed, and not sure what I was doing, and those old guys were standing right there--
Haha. Well, we were just told to hold holds and think about each other. I mean, I'm still not sure what's really going on.
You and me both.
I guess we'll just have to keep going at it some more until we're used to it... It's a bit embarrassing, though.
Well when you describe it like that then of course it's embarrassing. Did you even listen to yourself just now? You sounded like Ruby. Cool those Dusk Breakers.
Oh, right! Sorry!
Well, why don't we get started?
Most of the girls at the moment have the stats necessary to create Magician. It's basically a tutorial class.
Oh... Whew. Thank goodness. It looks like the Star Child was born without any complications. I hope it goes this well every time we do it.
Why do you guys all freak out about the Star Children not being born right? It's really freaking me out.
Hahaha, sorry. This is still so new to me. I'm just not confident that I did well...
I don't think that's how this works Fuuko.
I mean, you did choose me to Classmate with. I have to give it my all.
(Well at least she's motivated. Can't complain about that I guess.)
You're up next Narika.
Your turn Narika. Let's get started, I need to get some grinding done.
*distant* Woooooo!
I meant grinding in the Training Facility! ...Grinding experience! ...Killing virtual monsters to get better at fighting--
Sorry, I'll deal with that later. Did I make you nervous?
Just a little bit...Okay, maybe more than a little bit...
(Dammit Chlotz. You're making this really difficult for me.)
Listen, I'm a bit nervous too. Let's take a second to try and relax. Sound good?
Just take a deep breath.
*breathe in, breathe out*
I think I'm feeling a little better now.
Good. Okay, slowly hold out your hand.
L-like this? Oh... Wake, your hand is so warm.
Okay. Now hold on to your ass because this part gets incredibly weird.
Wait!? Wh--
Narika is currently the only heroine that will reliably give me access to the Grappler class, mainly because of the large TEC requirement. Even with Narika excelling in that, I still only just barely meet the requirements for it at level 5.
*pant* *pant* My mind was blank during the whole thing. Did I really do it right?
Beats me. My head gets filled with all these weird stat sheets whenever it happens. I'm just as lost as you guys. There's a Star Child here though, so everything looks like it turned out fine.
Oh, it's so cute!
I don't remember much about the Ritual...But I can still feel the warmth of your hands.
(Little killer is gonna help me slaughter soooo many monsters. Adorable.)
Um... Wake...
Hm? What? Sorry, I zoned out there for a second.
I don't have much experience with this, but I'm glad I could help.
Before we can hit up Chlotz' sister and have Wake cash in that 'blessing' card, we have to deal with Chlotz himself first.
-Ritual Hall-
Since you're here, it probably means you're here for some Classmating, right?
Don't give me that. I heard you spying.
Er, no... I just happened to be walking by. I wasn't trying to peek on you Classmating with the girls or anything!
What's your angle this time Chlotz? Just tell me.
Anyway, at this rate you're going to have nine Star Children in no time.
You need three Star Children per team in order to make a balanced team!
Thank you for explaining first grade math to me.
I'm so jealous. I mean, you have a duty to get it on as often as you can!
Oh yeah, standing in the middle of a ritual hall and blacking out for a minute while graphs fly around my head is the best. Do you have an actual reason for being here?
Oh, anyway, I've got some good news for you. Ruby just told me. The more you take a Star Child into the Labyrinths, the more they will like you. She also suggests you take the girl that is the Star Child's mother, and any siblings.
I mean, I've got to get back to my studies. Later.
I can't believe Chloe had to live with that for an entire childhood.
Despite the Chlotz bashing, that last part is actually some decent information. The nine Star Children thing is useless, since you'll eventually get 9 anyway, but the family thing is nice to know. If you bring Star Children families with you then they will be stronger in battle.
Note: This is largely meaningless to me since I'll likely have to use multiple heroines in order to get the proper classes for the teams you guys suggest. For now anyway. Eventually the heroines stats will get to the point that they can create nearly any class.
We're almost done. A little bit of Chloe is all we need.
-Ritual Hall-
Ready to go Chloe?
But... um... how exactly do we get started?
You're nervous too, huh?
A-A little, yeah. I've never had to do this sort of thing before... If... If you don't mind, would you show me how to do it?
Chlotz isn't around, so I can't watch him squirm. There's no need to make this weird. At least not yet.
Just give me your hand. It's not really complicated.
Like... this?
That's right. Ready?
S-Sure. Please be gentle...
Classmating doesn't really understand the concept of 'gentle'. Brace yourself.
Chloe can only get us...Wait, another girl? Is this some kind of weird reverse starter-Pokemon gender ratio? This is like the sixth or seventh time Classmating in this recording and I haven't seen a single boy? Huh...well that's RNG I guess.
Here's a theoretical class I could get, possibly with a little more grinding.
Alright, we're done.
R-Really? Phew... I got so nervous. I hope I did everything alright...
You sort of just had to stand there, you know. I don't think you have to worry about messing it up.
I'm still not even sure myself what the hell is happening.
I'm glad to hear it. Since I'm a teacher, it would be embarrassing if I failed...
I wouldn't worry yourself about it. It seems like a pretty automatic process.
You're right. Hey. Next time you go to a Labyrinth, would you take me with you? That way, I'll be able to help you out when you really need it.
Now that's the kind of help I like to have.
It's a promise then!
I think that's enough for today. You look pretty exhausted. I'm not in great shape either to be honest.
Oh my! I must look like a mess. Give me a call if there's anything I can do.
FINALLY. We are done with all those awkward introductions and allusions to actual naughty stuff. Before I wrap up this little interlude though, there's one little skit I think we should see. We're still missing a new class showcase after all.
-2nd year Classroom: The Following Day-
Hey Narika. You're kind of just Blair-witching it here in the classroom. Do you want to head back to the dorms together?
: All right.
Oh... I'm sorry. I can only go with you part of the way.
Got something to take care of?
I'm volunteering at the Church to collect donations today. The money we collect will be used for orphans.
This skit is an example of the generic 'filler' type. You'll see them repeat a lot while trying to raise the Bond gauge to the next level. They do add new ones over time, but for the most part you'll just skip through the text and pick whichever dialogue option gave you the best affection score as you repeat it over and over. These also act as opportunities to present gifts to the girls, but again, we don't have access to any right now.
Sounds admirable. I can help you out if you'd like.
Really? Oh, thank you very much.
No problem. I just need to call out for donations, right? Having God's Gift do it might make for a better haul.
It would make me feel better to have you with me. I'll try to call out, too. Thanks again for coming with me.
-Downtown: Evening-
Hey! Give generously to the Church! They're trying to help out the orphans! You don't want to ignore orphans, do you!? Come on!
(At least he's enthusiastic...)
Oh! E-Excuse me! W-Would you please d-donate to the Church! We're collecting money for orphans...
[Random Jackass]:
Nah. AngelMarker has me bent over a barrel all day long just trying to earn this much. Although...If you'd bend over a barrel maybe I'd be willing to help out the orphans a little.
Wh-what!? I-I-I...
...(Come on, just a liiittle uppercut. You can do it.)
[Random Jackass]:
Well I'm not giving up my cash for nothing. Do you want to help the orphans or not?
(Fuck it, I gave her the chance.)
Hey! Put the money in the box or move along, idiot! She's not out here to stare at your ugly ass face!
[Random Jackass]:
Damn, God's Gift huh...Feh, screw this.
*Random jackass leaves*
Doing okay there Saint Narika?
Sorry... I didn't know what to say...I...
You'll get there eventually. Anyone that hangs around me long enough ends up becoming more surly and jerkish. Here, go and grab us some drinks with this. We've been out here for a while now. I have a... call to make.
O-Okay, thank you.
*Narika leaves*
*beep* Zorro? Are you still nearby? Dad needs a favour.
Daaad, I told you I'm not Zorro! I'm Tuxedo Mask!
Tuxedo Mask is a loser that gets captured every other episode. He doesn't even use a sword. He swings a cane and throws flowers at people like some kind of geriatric florist. Besides, I'm not forking out for a dozen roses every week. I'm not a walking bank.
He's cool! He jumps around and wears a cool hat and--
Uuuugh...we'll finish this later. Some bastard just harassed your mom on the street.
Black shirt, about five ten, kind of lanky. Currently turning down the alley near our location on Gracia Street. He didn't donate to the orphans.
.....Zorro will avenge mommy.
That's my boy.
Don't kill him though. I've got a feeling Star God wouldn't be cool with taking it that far.
I'm back. Here is your drink, Wake. Are you finished with your call?
Thanks. Yeah, it won't take long.
What won't?
I meant the call didn't take long.
(I love those little guys.)
Forgive me for that extended bit. I had an idea and wanted to take a crack at it. Anyway, the reason for this set up is that during the training montage, the RNG Star God decided to smile on Narika and she got a temporary Star Child boost. This was enough to allow her to create a Thief class Star Child.
It isn't immediately obvious until you go to the Class select and see a bunch of classes opened that you may not have been able to create before. The Matryoshka will have stars rising up from it during the creation as well.
This bonding mini-update is at an end. Originally I intended to show off the first major bonding event for the heroines, but I didn't think the Classmating introductions and Wake's meet-and-greet would take up so much space.
That being said, in preparation of our ability to tackle the first dungeon freely, I need some votes.
These are the classes I currently have access to (or that I should be able to get with another level or so).
The voted for team will be our team for Dungeon 1. The vote on which Heroine will go with us into the first dungeon will happen next update, once we can actually explore the damn thing without being constantly interrupted by tutorial cards.